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SoulCollage® Weiterbildung - englischsprachig

2 Online Module - 05/2024

SoulCollage® Workshops und Online-Vortrag

Kostenfreier Online-Vortrag: 22.11.24, 17-19:30 Uhr

Modul I - Reconnect with Your Inner Child / 2.-4.5.2025
A SoulCollage® Workshop

Explore the joyful, curious and vulnerable aspects of your inner child through the creative process of SoulCollage®. In this workshop, you'll:
1. Learn the basics of SoulCollage® card creation
2. Tap into childhood memories and emotions
3. Select images that resonate with your inner child
4. Create personalized Cards representing different facets of your younger self
5. Practice intuitive card reading to gain insights

Discover how nurturing your inner child can lead to healing, self-compassion, and renewed creativity. No artistic experience necessary — just bring an open heart and willingness to play!

Modul II - Heal Through Art / 16.-18.5.25
A Transformative Weekend Workshop using the therapeutic Story

Discover the power of art therapy combined with the 6-part healing story method in this unique weekend seminar. In this workshop you will:

  • Learn the structure of the 6-part healing story as a diagnostic and curative tool.
  • Explore various art mediums to express your narrative and archetypes.
  • Combine visual arts with stories for deeper healing.
  • Connect with others in a nurturing, creative Environment Perfect for therapists, artists, and anyone seeking personal growth through creativity.

David Binyamin is an art therapist in the anthroposophical approach with over 25 years of experience. The founder and head of Sha’ar Lanefesh, a school for training art therapists in the anthroposophical approach, located in Israel. Graduate of Tobias School of Art Therapy, England. Specialized in working with patients with eating disorders, Tavistock Clinic, England. Guides groups using listening circles. Counsels families using the Non-Violent Communication approach. A certified SoulCollage® facilitator.

The method of SoulCollage® is for personal use only. In case participants wish to share the method with others, they will need to take the Facilitator Training. See the following links:
Principles of SoulCollage®: https://community.soulcollage.com/posts/principles-of-soulcollage
Become a Facilitator at WOSC: https://community.soulcollage.com/spaces/5127444/page

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Künstlerische Therapeut:innen mit erfolgreich abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium, einem vergleichbaren Abschluss oder einer entsprechenden Eignung aus dem Berufsleben. Interessent:innen aus angrenzenden Berufsfeldern können ebenfalls an Einzelmodulen teilnehmen.

Modul I Getting to know the SoulCollage®

Getting to know the SoulCollage® model

  1. The method of SoulCollage® in connection to the SoulCollage® body of knowledge, the different groups of cards, and the links to Jungian psychology, Gestalt, and the Satir model.
  2. Introducing the materials needed to make SoulCollage® cards.
  3. Making a quick card, combined with intuitive writing.

05/24 Modul II Heal Through Art

A Transformative Weekend Workshop using the therapeutic Story

Discover the power of art therapy combined with the 6-part healing story method in this unique weekend seminar. In this workshop you will:

  1. Learn the structure of the 6-part healing story as a diagnostic and curative tool.
  2. Explore various art mediums to express your narrative and archetypes.
  3. Combine visual arts with stories for deeper healing.
  4. Connect with others in a nurturing, creative Environment Perfect for therapists, artists, and anyone seeking personal growth through creativity.


Die Zulassungskriterien orientieren sich an den gesetzlichen Vorgaben des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Kunsthochschulgesetz NRW, §54 und dem Hochschulzukunftsgesetz NRW §62). Die weiterbildenden Studienangebote dienen der Ergänzung berufspraktischer Erfahrungen.


Vita David Binyamin

Art therapist in the anthroposophical approach with over 25 years of experience. The founder and head of Sha’ar Lanefesh, a school for training art therapists in the anthroposophical approach, located in Israel. Graduate of Tobias School of Art Therapy, England. Specialized in working with patients with eating disorders, Tavistock Clinic, England. Guides groups using listening circles. Counsels families using the Non-Violent Communication approach. A certified SoulCollage® facilitator.



Leitung Institut für Weiterbildungen Künstlerische Therapien:
Katja von den Benken, Kunsttherapeutin BA, LfbA (Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben)

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

2 Module à 18 UEH (= 13,5 Stunden)
entsprechen je Modul 0,5 ECTS

Einzelbuchung ist möglich
Der Kurs ist englischsprachig und findet über Zoom statt.

Preis Einzelmodul: 270,- €,
Komplettbuchung 540,- €,

I.d.R. Freitags 17.00-20.30 Uhr
Samstag 9:00-18:00 Uhr
Sonntag 9:00-13:00 Uhr

edu.Art - Institut für Weiterbildung in den Künstlerischen Therapien
Assistenz und Sekretariat: Laura Lang
Tel. +49 (0)2222 9321-1813

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SoulCollage® Weiterbildung - englischsprachig
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