Fine Arts
Master of Fine Arts
The Master's programme in fine arts prepares trained artists for professional independence. It serves to deepen and individualise the student’s own artistic profile and provides a platform for engaging with and mediating art. The programme focuses on a self-selected artistic project and on the student’s development as a professional freelance artist.
Course Contents and Curriculum
The programme is delivered in a series of modules. An examination concludes each module.
Art Practice modules (I, II, specialisation)
• Four-week orientation phase at the start of the programme
• Unsupervised work on Master project (accompanying seminars and colloquia)
• Thematic colloquia
• Discussion of various artistic approaches
Professionalisation modules (art and culture management, exhibition project)
• Requirements to be met by independent artists (structure of the art business, self-marketing options, preparation for freelance career)
• Curation of students' own exhibition
Module "Art in Context"
• Free choice of courses taught in the Fine Arts department plus unsupervised completion of an Art and Society art project
• Development of artistic skills and their extension through an independent learning transfer in relation to one of the selected courses
Module "Art in Practice"
• Free choice of courses taught in the Fine Arts department.
Complementary subject offered by the University (I and II)
• Change of perspective thanks to the selection of complementary subjects (I and II) offered by the University, e.g., Business Administration, Architecture, Studium Generale (general studies), Education
Master project
• Students design, create and exhibit a comprehensive artistic project of their own, based on the project proposal submitted upon admission to the programme.
Special Features of the Degree Programme
Reflection and Artistic Exchange
In the scope of regular colloquia, issues in contemporary art discourse are dealt with as well as topics in art theory, aesthetics and social science.
Preparation for a Freelance Career
The programme prepares students for the various aspects involved in being a professional artist.
Topics include:
• Legal and financial conditions for freelance work as an artist
• Self-marketing
• Planning and implementation of exhibitions
• Planning and implementation of culturally educational projects
Parallel Project
A significant component of the programme’s concept is to support you in developing and pursuing your own course of study. For this purpose, when you apply for the programme, you should include a proposal for an artistic project on a topic that you would like to develop and work on intensively throughout the period of your studies. You pursue and realise your individual project parallel to your studies.
Interdisciplinary Exchange
Students from all disciplines learn together in the Studium Generale, an essential part of all degree courses at Alanus University. In the lectures and seminars of this cultural studies programme, current social phenomena are discussed as well as philosophical issues and topics in art history.
Study trips and international projects take place regularly.
Part Time Studies
Students can also acquire their master's degree in a part-time course. In the case of part-time studies, the study content is taught as part of regular seminars and events and spread over the duration of 8 semesters.
Admission Requirements
Proof of completion of a higher education degree in fine arts of at least three years' duration, leading to a Bachelor of Fine Arts or equivalent degree such as an Akademiebrief or arts diploma.
Admission to the programme is also possible for candidates who do not proceed to the Master's programme directly after a previous programme. These candidates must have completed a higher education degree in applied arts, e.g., design, art therapy, art education or similar. Any prior Bachelor degree programme must have a standard period of study of at least three years and require 110 CP to be obtained in art practice. Should these CP not have been (fully) obtained, candidates are permitted to post-qualify.
Foreign applicants require proof of sufficient German language skills, both spoken and written. More information is available from the International Office.
Application and Selection Procedures
The Master’s programme can be started in either Autumn or Spring Semester. Applications can be submitted year round. Please note that your online application must be submitted by June 15 for the start of the fall semester. In the event that not all study places can be allocated on the basis of applications, a move-up procedure is provided. The application deadline here is August 10.
International degree-seeking students are asked to contact the General Student Advisory Service for the admission procedure. Please contact the person at this office who is responsible for the degree programme you are interested in.
After receiving your application, we invite suitable candidates to an aptitude test. Please bring your application portfolio with you to this appointment! In the aptitude test the applicants present their motivation to study and their project proposal to a jury made up of professors.
In exceptional cases, such as applications from abroad, it is possible to submit a digital portfolio. Please contact our service office for information.
Guidance Counselling and Portfolio Coaching
We offer free guidance counselling and portfolio coaching.
Due to the corona crisis this service is currently being carried out digitally.
You can find the current dates here.
Please feel free to contact us for further information:
Service Office
Department of Fine Arts / Sculpture
Telephone +49 2222 93211146
E-Mail Astrid.Ewert@alanus.edu