Smilla Dankert

Exchange Students

All important information for exchange students from partner universities

We are pleased that you are interested in studying as an exchange student at Alanus University in Alfter. On this page, you will find all important information regarding exchange.

In order to study as an exchange student in Alfter, your university must be an official partner of Alanus University.

Procedure at Home University

Please inform your department about your plans. The department will then contact the International Office at your home university. If the plan is approved, the International Office at your home university will inform the International Office at Alanus University.

Procedure at Alanus University

Do not complete the application form until the International Offices of your home university and Alanus University are in contact. You can request the application form from the International Office.

Applications for the Spring Semester (beginning in April each year) must be submitted no later than the 15 October of the previous year.

Applications for the Autumn Semester (beginning in October each year) must be submitted no later than 15 April of the same year.

The final course catalogues will be published here as soon as possible, at the latest by mid-August (for the wintersemester) and by mid-February (for the summersemester). The local students do not access them earlier. Please contact the International Office for specific questions.

Below, you get an orientation which courses are usually being offered.

A study exchange in Germany is expensive. The cost for rent, food, insurance, clothing, leisure activities, books, internet, and transportation amounts to at least 850 euros per month.

International students must already prove that they have sufficient financial resources when they apply for the visa and the residence permit.

Scholarship Database

You can search the DAAD Scholarship Database for funding opportunities. Please also ask at your home university about funding options and scholarships for studying abroad.

Information on current visa regulations is available on the website of the Federal Foreign Office. Exchange students require a “visa for study purposes”. For citizens of countries of the Schengen area, no visa is required.

Important Information for Visa Applications

  • A valid passport is required to apply for a visa.
  • Apply for a visa early, as processing can take several months. Without a valid visa it is not possible to enter Germany.
  • Students require a student visa (no tourist or language visa!). These visas are only available to part time students, if they prove to have special reasons regarding their family or health.
  • Students must first complete the standard enrolment process at the university in order to apply for a residence permit for study purposes.

Visa Application Documents

  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient financial means
  • Proof of academic achievement
  • Proof of German language skills or planned language course
  • Admission notice from the university or notice of prospective admission

All international students require valid health insurance in Germany. This is a requirement for enrolment and a residence permit. There are two types of insurance.

Statutory Health Insurance

Contributions to the statutory health insurance fund average between 100 and 110 euros per month. Student rates are only valid to a maximum age of 30 years.

Here is a list of statutory health insurance providers.

Students with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) do not require any additional insurance. All you have to do is send a scan of the card to a German health insurance provider and have the exemption from compulsory insurance confirmed.

Students from countries that have a social security agreement with Germany (e.g. Switzerland, Turkey) must inform their home insurance company about their stay abroad and inquire whether the insurance cover also applies in Germany. Afterwards, a form must be sent to a German health insurance provider that can confirm the exemption from the compulsory insurance.

Private Health Insurance

A private health insurance policy can only be taken out under certain conditions. Both the insurance cover and the amount of the premiums to be paid are determined individually.

Here is a list of private health insurance providers.

More information on health insurance for foreign students can be found on the website of the German Student Union and on the website of the DAAD.

The International Office can advise you on this topic upon request.

All the important information you need on the topic of living in Germany as well as information on various accommodation options is available on the following pages. Please note that the International Office does not arrange flats or rooms directly. However, you are welcome to create a seeking-accommodation notice, which we will gladly post for you.

Important Note on the German Registration Act

Anyone moving into a flat must register with the local Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt) within two weeks of moving in. More information is available from the DAAD.

Should you come with an Erasmus+ Funding of "Fewer Opportunities", please let the International Office know when you are applying, so that we can support you according to your individual needs. We are in close contact to regional support offers (e.g. child care facilities etc.). 


Study-Buddy-Programme: Connect with local students; please find the registration form here!

Cultural Events: Exchange students organise evenings with cultural and often artistic activities. Please find the current programme here.

Student Council: You can contact the student council with any issue regarding your studies via E-Mail.

Sports: You can participate in the sports programme offered by the University of Bonn by a reduced prize.

Erasmus Student Network Bonn: You are welcome to join the activities of the Erasmus Student Network Bonn (ESN).

Uni Bonn International Club: You may also join activities of the International Club.

Kulturprogramm des International Office
Jedes Semester bietet das International Office ein Kulturprogramm für internationale Studierende an. Wir organisieren Wanderausflüge, Museumbesuche, Städtetrips, Kochabenden und auch das eine oder andere Fest. Auf den Veranstaltungen habt ihr die Chance, einen Einblick in das Kulturangebot der Region zu bekommen, andere Internationals kennenzulernen und euch über eure Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Eine Übersicht über das gesamte Kulturprogramm wird Anfang des Semesters rumgeschickt und am schwarzen Brett ausgehangen, die Einladungen zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen erhaltet ihr vorab per Mail. Das Kulturprogramm wird von Stibet gefördert und ist deswegen für internationale Studierende kostenlos. Um weitere Infos zu erhalten meldet Euch mit einer kurzen Nachricht an für unseren Verteiler an. 

Internationale Netzwerke in Bonn
In Bonn gibt es einige Netzwerke und Stammtische von Menschen aus aller Welt.


Important Information

Leoni Bremer
+49 2222 9321 1986

Campus II, Administration Building
Room V/EG/07
Villestr. 3, 53347 Alfter 

Open consultation hours

Tuesdays: 1 - 3pm on campus I, sculpture hall, 1

Thursdays: 10 am - 12 pm on campus II